Thursday, December 17, 2015

My own website!

 I made my own website through the software Dream Weaver. It was slightly difficult at first, but once I got into it, it was fun and easy. I designed the color scheme and text to make it look appealing, and added borders. I also worked with HTML code, which was confusing, but it all worked out in the end. Sadly it is not an actual website that can be visited, but it is still cool to create one and see what it would be like to have one. This is the last project that I did in the video strand. Video was very fun, but now I get to move on to graphic design!

Home page: This is what the home screen of my website looks like. It has my elevator pitch and biography. It also has a picture of myself.

Links: In order to go to my projects page, there is a link to it. When it is hovered above, it changes color. As shown in the pictures to the right.
Projects page: This is what my projects page looks like. It has my animation and video projects, but not my graphic design projects because I haven't visited that strand yet. To go back to my home page there is a link at the bottom of my projects page. When hovered over it changes color just like the other link did.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

e9 promotional video

For our last project in video, we were to show what we knew and loved about e9 through a promotional video. It was very fun to make because I wanted to show the parts of the program that I love. While recording I tried to include everything we have learned in e9 video through the quarter. I included parts of the six shot system, 180 degree rule, rule of thirds, and shot process plan. It was also the first time using the voice over and adjusting the video to fit it. I hope that 8th grade students will be inspired to apply to become an e-comm member.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Chase Scene

This was a chase scene showing action. It tells a story about a girl who drank too much water, and needed to go to the bathroom very bad. To film I used most shots in the 6 shot system. I tried not to cross the 180 degree line/ rule, but it was hard not to. So hopefully it was not too confusing to the eye. In a good chase scene there is a lot of scenes that change every one to two seconds. It is supposed to follow the plot graph/ 3 act structure. Which shows the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. What I would have done differently to make my chase scene video better was record more scenes at different perspectives, and make the volume of the clock ticking in one of the scenes more profound. Also in the beginning scenes it shows some scenes with a water bottle, but one doesn't,have the water bottle in it, which makes it weird.
~Featuring: Jaclyn Davis
~Filmed by: Myself

Monday, November 2, 2015

How to print a paper

This is the first video I've recorded in the video strand of Ecomm. It was the first time using the editing software, which is Final Cut Pro. Final Cut Pro was very fun and easy to use. I used many different techniques/ rules while filming. One of which was the six shot system being closeup of hands, closeup of face, medium shot, wide shot, over the shoulder, and extreme wide shot. Another was the 180 degree rule, you can not cross the imaginary line when filming or it will appear that the subject had switched sides, which confuses the person watching. I also used the rule of thirds and leaving space in the shot. I used the shot process being:
1.)Plan 2.)Film 3.)Organize 4.) Script 5.) Edit 6.) Feedback 7.) Publish 8.) Promote.
Hopefully this helps you now know how to print on the school computers :)
-Featuring Amelia Sims
-Filmed by myself

Friday, October 30, 2015

Personalty tests

If you have ever wondered what your personality says about you, there are ways to see, and you can learn a lot about yourself you may not have even known.
I learned that my personality is more rare, taking up only 2% of the general population. My type is INFJ which stands for: Introvert-INtuitive-Feeling-Judging

Take the test for yourself:

We also took a test that showed which animal you are based off of common personality traits that resemble that of an animal.
My animal is a lion! Which tells me that I am a leader. A lion is good at making decisions and is very goal oriented. Lions enjoy challenges, difficult assignments, and opportunity for advancement. Lions are always thinking of their goal and never give up on it. For this they can be aggressive and competitive. Although I do no think I am aggressive nor competitive, I think most everything else is accurate. My strengths say that I am goal oriented, strong, and direct. While my weaknesses are that I am argumentative and too dictatorial. I'm not sure if this is entirely accurate, I consider myself more to be a beaver type. Beavers are creative, organized, and take their time on assignments. This sounds more like my personality rather than a bossy or argumentative lion.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The 6 shot system

The six shot system is a way or sequence of pictures/ clips to show what a person in doing by showing their emotion, action, setting, and the view of what they see. These shots do not have to be in order. 

1.) Close-up of hands: Shows what the person being filmed is doing. It also shows action.

2.) Close-up of face: Shows emotion or how the person feels/ thinks of what he or she is doing.

3.) Over the shoulder: Shows what the person is doing/ from their perspective.

 4.) Medium shot: Ties together what the person is doing/ seeing, how he or she feels, and what they are looking at.

5.) Wide shot: Shows the person's whole body. Head to toe.

6.) Extra wide shot: Shows the setting that the person is in.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Social Media is Affecting More than Just your Social Life

Image result for college admission officers not acceptedWhat it's about

Your Social Media can and will be looked over by college admission officers. They are able to see what you post and can effect if you're accepted by the college you applied for- no matter how good your GPA may be

What Surprised me

A high school senior was going in the right direction until she posted disparaging comments on twitter about her attendees. The college denied her admission.

Colleges are not the only ones looking through peoples social media mentions. Jobs are too, and can deny someone the same way a college can if bad content is found on their account.

What I questioned

 Admission officers nose around social media posts of students, which to me seems like an invasion of privacy- even if it is for a probable cause. Making me wonder if this should be legal for anyone to do.

Students change their searchable names on Facebook and are untagging themselves in pictures to be safe from college admission officers. But does this prevent posts from being viewed by them. We all know that once something is put on the internet it's impossible "Take it back".  Meaning don't put anything on the internet you might regret. So does erasing "Foot prints" on the internet mean the mentions are lost?

Impact on thinking of Social Media

After learning about how social media can affect my future negatively, it has made me think over what I'm posting before I do. Whether it is just a joke, not to be taken seriously, or something that isn't a positive representation of myself.

Read the article for yourself:

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

3D house

I made a 3D house using SketchUp. This was my first animation using the software, which was challenging but also fun. This was my last animation I will make in E-comm this year :(

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

How to make an animation of your name being written

First open Photoshop. Next press file and new to create your animation. Change the dimensions to 400X600 (or whatever you think your dimensions should be.) Then press the "T" type tool on the left hand corner. Type your name and change the font, color, size, etc...

Next drag your name down (on the right hand side) to create a new layer. Hide the previous by pressing the small eyeball icon. Press the eraser (on the left) and start erasing your name. Start at the right and work your way to the left in a way that your name would be written.

Continue to erase your name starting at the end. But each time you have to hide the previous, or it will not work. This takes a while but keep erasing until you finish.

Once you have finished erasing your animation until you have a blank screen (like the picture to the left), go to 'window' at the top and scroll down to timeline to get your timeline at the bottom.

Click the little button on the timeline on the right, then select 'make frames from layers' to get your animation layers in your timeline. Then go into the same button once more and click 'reverse frames' to make it look like it's writing forwards not in reverse.

Optional: Your animation is .done, but if you want, you can add a background. Go to and search a background you would like, and save your it. Open your animation up in Photoshop, press your background layer, go to file then place, and select the image you chose. Crop it to the size you need.

Your animation is now complete! You want to save it for the web as a GIF. Go File, save for web, then save it. Now you can impress your friends with an amazing animation of your name being written.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Words describing me

This is an animation of words describing me. It was made in Photoshop using video animation. The animation is also the first post I've ever posted to my Youtube account!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Ava Taylor bouncing ball

This is my second animation. I used the same concept as the last animation, where stretching was used to show speed, and squashing was used to show impact. What I would have done differently is stretched it out more at the very beginning because that's when it's the fastest. But overall this is my favorite animation I've made so far and I had a lot of fun making it.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

BoucingBall #1 (My first animation)

My first animation was the bouncing ball. To create the falling and speed illusion I stretched the ball out when it was falling and squashed it when it reached the ground to show impact. This was the first time I used Photo shop to create an animation. The software was difficult to use so I struggled with it a lot. But hopefully I will get better with using it and make lots of wonderful animations.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Welcome to AvaKTaylor Blog

       This is my first year of highschool at Olathe Northwest and my first year of e-Comm! I am very excited for all the opportunities I will have with using my creativity. I hope that e-Comm will not be too challenging because I am not the best artist in the world and I'm also not the best at using technology. But hopefully these skills will be learned along the course of the year. I joined e-Comm because I thought that it would be a cool opportunity to be creative with technology, which is something that interests me. I was a part of the yearbook staff at Pioneer Trail Middle School. This was very fun for me, so hopefully I will have just as much fun in e-Comm as I did in yearbook.