Friday, October 30, 2015

Personalty tests

If you have ever wondered what your personality says about you, there are ways to see, and you can learn a lot about yourself you may not have even known.
I learned that my personality is more rare, taking up only 2% of the general population. My type is INFJ which stands for: Introvert-INtuitive-Feeling-Judging

Take the test for yourself:

We also took a test that showed which animal you are based off of common personality traits that resemble that of an animal.
My animal is a lion! Which tells me that I am a leader. A lion is good at making decisions and is very goal oriented. Lions enjoy challenges, difficult assignments, and opportunity for advancement. Lions are always thinking of their goal and never give up on it. For this they can be aggressive and competitive. Although I do no think I am aggressive nor competitive, I think most everything else is accurate. My strengths say that I am goal oriented, strong, and direct. While my weaknesses are that I am argumentative and too dictatorial. I'm not sure if this is entirely accurate, I consider myself more to be a beaver type. Beavers are creative, organized, and take their time on assignments. This sounds more like my personality rather than a bossy or argumentative lion.

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