Thursday, December 1, 2016

Happiness Infographic

Infographics depict information in an appealing and balanced way. There are many steps to creating an infographic:

1.) Establish your topic: I chose to do my infographic over happiness because happiness is important, and I would like there to be more happiness in the world. 

2.) Research your topic: I found statistics and fun facts about happiness through many different websites. Notice how they are all cited at the bottom of my infographic.  

3.) Create your layout (wireframe): Next, I created a rough draft on paper of my infographic. A good divider between each fact/ statistic is important to have in order for it to be organized. I decided to repeat smiley faces to create lines as my divider. For my title, I chose 'choose happiness'. I made the O's in choose eyes and happiness into a smile.. To depict my facts, I created the picture as it was described. For example, I made a happy old man for my "Happiness makes you live longer" fact. For my 20% statistic, I made it very large and put healthy things in it. In addition to my facts and statistics, I also included the steps to happiness at the bottom to show how to achieve happiness. I thought it was a good way to tie the whole infographic together.

4.) Put it all together on the computer: Once I was content with my rough draft, I transferred it onto adobe illustrator. I chose a color scheme that portrayed happiness I thought that bright reds and yellows did that nicely. In addition to color, I also found a happy, swirly font that reminded me of happiness. I made the word happiness yellow and bigger to make it stand out.

5.) Receive feedback: After completing my infographic, I had the opportunity to share it with my classmates. I described the details of it and why I chose to do the things that I did. They gave me feedback which I then used to better my finished project. The biggest adjustment that I needed to make was my background color because it was too dark to read the text on top of it. This made my infographic more appealing.


In the end, I think that my infographic fulfilled its job at depicting happiness. It has been my favorite project so far.

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