Tuesday, December 20, 2016

What's the Big Deal About Tiny Houses?

Home page
For our final in Web Design, we were supposed to combine our skills from previous projects into making a web page about something we are interested in or passionate about. I am very interested in anything having to do with tiny houses, so that is what I decided to dedicate the topic of my website to.

All of my docs
 We were required to include information about our topic in our own words, so this project required a lot of research. Because I am very interested and passionate about tiny houses, I had no problem with spending a lot of my time, both in school and out of school, researching my topic. After all of my information had accumulated, I realized that I had far too much information to make just one sub-category of. I ended up having information on the benefits, designs, and mindset of tiny houses (each with multiple sub categories).

My banner
My graphic
Once I had all of my information on tiny houses, I was ready to design my web page. Luckily, we didn't have to make one from scratch; we had previously made out Real Or Hoax? page that we were able to simply transfer our information to. At first, I had no idea how to design my website, but after making a web banner, I based my color scheme off of it. This brought my website together. The light and dark burgundy, cream, and green colors really evoked a comforting feeling that I wanted to portray through my website. In addition, I made a simple graphic to place beneath my side bar. I made the "H" in houses into a house my adding a roof.

Links page
Next, I had to do all of the technical work. I  linked all of my pages together (which took a very long time considering hoe many pages I have), put pictures on all of the pages, and found links for each page. It was a little bit frustrating having to use the "label for reuse" button when searching for copyright free images because I knew that there were really good tiny house pictures that were copyrighted. Eventually, I accumulated a good selection of pictures. After that, I found multiple links to strengthen my page and to let viewers learn more about tint houses.

Overall, I enjoyed this project (mainly because I enjoy tiny houses), and I think that it turned out very well. See my website here.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Semester Reflection

The first half of Graphic Design has been filled with different projects and experiences. I have learned many new concepts and made many new things. 


We started of the year by watching step by step tutorials over how to do an assortment of different tasks in PhotoShop. I learned many new techniques, skills, and tools, such as how to use the content aware fill tool, the spot healing brush, the clone healing brush, the clone patch tool, and the patch tool. After mastering these skills, we were challenged to make a collage and were told to be creative in making a picture with the a few given pictures. Although I did successfully complete these tasks, PhotoShop is not a favorite of mine because I find it very challenging and confusing. However, it is very useful to use for editing photos.


Fortunately, after completing our PhotoShop unit, we were on to Adobe Illustrator. We were allotted several weeks to first create an adorable raccoon by following the instructions from a tutorial. The raccoon was not very difficult to make, but it did require many steps because of adding shadows and highlights. We then transferred out raccoon over to a postcard. We had to think of a topic that we wanted our post card to portray. Summer was just ending, so I decided to make mine Summer-themed. I created a lemonade stand, some trees, some butterflies, a big sun, and a friend for my raccoon. I learned many new techniques through this project which I utilized in future projects. In addition, this project really made me love Adobe Illustrator because I was able to really use my creativity to make a colorful, fun project. This project was also the first project was also professionally printed off to be a real post card which is very exciting. In addition, this was also our first project that we uploaded to Behance, a platform to discover and showcase work. I like Behance but not as much as I like Blogger. Find me on Behance here.

Self Vector

To continue on our Illustrator journey, we created a self portrait. We were not given any instructions to this except to use the pen tool. We first uploaded an image of ourself and then traced it using the pen tool. I started this project with no experience with the pen tool, and through a lot of mistakes, I ended with a really good grasp on it. I worked really hard and long on this project, and I am very happy with the results. I was aiming for a cartoon-ish representation of myself, yet I still including some shading and other minute details. Others made theirs look very realistic, but that wasnt what I wanted. 


The Infographic project was by far my favorite project that we assigned with through first semester. We first learned about what makes a good infographic and found design inspiration. We then had to brain storm what topic we wanted to make ours about. I chose happiness. This project was the first project that required additional research, so we spent longer on this project than other projects. I had to spend a lot of time researching differnet facts and statistics about happinesss. We also had to cite our sources. For this project, I looked into color theory and fonts to portray happiness. I chose bright colors and a swirly font. I also had to look at my information and think of a way to portray this information. This project also forced me to design it symmetrically. Because my infographic contained so many little pieces, it was challenging to keep everything well puttogether, and it took a while to complete. I combined all of my previous skills that I has acquired from previous projects, and I also learned a lot about visual appeal. I am very happy with how it turned out. This was also the first project that we got peer evaluations on. My peers suggested that I change a few things, such as the background color. I changed this, and it made my infographic much better.

Research Paper and Powerpoint

For our very last project of first semester, we were told to choose a movement or person from a list to research. I chose Milton Glaser, an impactful Graphic Designer. Is dedicated a large portion of my time in class to researching my topic and wrote an essay about him. I had to put my essay in APA format which was new to me. Next, after completing my essay, I transferred all of my information over to a powerpoint. Our powerpoint was supposed to reflect our topic's artistic flare. I included many bright shapes and colors because those were apparent in Glaser's work. I think that my powerpoint could have been more official and clean. This project was a lot of work because I had to spend a lot of time researching and constructing an essay. 

This semester was very fun and educational. 

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Happiness Infographic

Infographics depict information in an appealing and balanced way. There are many steps to creating an infographic:

1.) Establish your topic: I chose to do my infographic over happiness because happiness is important, and I would like there to be more happiness in the world. 

2.) Research your topic: I found statistics and fun facts about happiness through many different websites. Notice how they are all cited at the bottom of my infographic.  

3.) Create your layout (wireframe): Next, I created a rough draft on paper of my infographic. A good divider between each fact/ statistic is important to have in order for it to be organized. I decided to repeat smiley faces to create lines as my divider. For my title, I chose 'choose happiness'. I made the O's in choose eyes and happiness into a smile.. To depict my facts, I created the picture as it was described. For example, I made a happy old man for my "Happiness makes you live longer" fact. For my 20% statistic, I made it very large and put healthy things in it. In addition to my facts and statistics, I also included the steps to happiness at the bottom to show how to achieve happiness. I thought it was a good way to tie the whole infographic together.

4.) Put it all together on the computer: Once I was content with my rough draft, I transferred it onto adobe illustrator. I chose a color scheme that portrayed happiness I thought that bright reds and yellows did that nicely. In addition to color, I also found a happy, swirly font that reminded me of happiness. I made the word happiness yellow and bigger to make it stand out.

5.) Receive feedback: After completing my infographic, I had the opportunity to share it with my classmates. I described the details of it and why I chose to do the things that I did. They gave me feedback which I then used to better my finished project. The biggest adjustment that I needed to make was my background color because it was too dark to read the text on top of it. This made my infographic more appealing.


In the end, I think that my infographic fulfilled its job at depicting happiness. It has been my favorite project so far.