Friday, March 11, 2016


For our last week in graphic design we had our photoshop unit. Photoshop deals with editing pictures. We edited four different pictures. 
This was the first photo. It started off as just a picture of Olathe North West, but I typed ONW into it and put the onw compass on it. I made the opacity low so that the picture beneath it could still be visible. This edit was very simple. 

This was the second picture that I edited in Photoshop. It started off as a monarch with orange wings. I selected the orange areas and changed the colors to make a nonexistent species of butterfly. A rainbow butterfly. This was very easy to do, and if I took my time it would look extremely realistic. This is why you sometimes can't trust a picture- because Photoshop can do a lot.

This picture was a little more difficult because I had to use a text mask. It started off as just a picture of NorthWest, and then I put the text mask over it and made the colors ONW colors.

The last picture I made was the most difficult. I had to first "trace" the raven out of a picture, and then layer a bunch of pictures on top of each other.  I personally think that the picture looks sloppy because of how many pictures are compiled onto one another.

On top of being our Photoshop unit this week, it is also the last week of graphic design. I enjoyed graphic design very much and am excited to take it next year as well.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Invasive Species Website

It's our Web design unit in graphic design which means we got to design our own website. We based our website on invasive species. To the left is my home page. I incorporated green and brown "earthy" colors because it has to do with nature. I made the headings bigger, bolder, and white so that it would stand out more. There are links to different websites and videos that also change colors when hovered on or clicked on.

Another one of my six pages was Africanized bees. I put pictures in of the bees, links, and continued the color theme. I did the same with my purple loosestrife page.

 Sadly my menu bar was not cooperating. In the design mode it looked like how it does to the right, but when viewed in safari, it looked all green with no white. I spent a while  trying to figure out what was wrong, but no one else, nor myself, could figure out why it wasn't working.

I like Web design. It is definitely challenging,
 but rewarding when everything is complete. Learning and remembering all of the CSS styles and phrases is very difficult, but I enjoy designing the website through the color and layout. Next year I am taking Web design as one of my two courses as a sophomore (along with graphic design).