Friday, October 7, 2016

Raccoon project

After the Photoshop tutorials, came our long awaited Adobe Illustrator project. For our first project we were given a written tutorial of how to make an adorable raccoon.

 We first made the raccoon. The raccoon was not very hard, but the process did have a lot of steps. We added shadows and other little details that aren't very apparent but enhance the overall picture. Next, we were to choose from a plethora of different leaves and berries. Each choice came with a step by step tutorial of how to make it just like the raccoon tutorial did. I chose to make a branch with leaves. After this, we envisioned what we saw our raccoon as. I saw my raccoon as a boy, so I added a baseball cap and overalls.

After adding an identity to our raccoons,  we were told that the project was going to become a postcard. I thought that because my raccoon was wearing summer clothing, I should make my postcard have a summer theme. Then I got to brainstorming about what would depict summer. I came up with the idea that a fresh cold glass of lemonade was the best way. After making my lemonade stand, I thought that my raccoon was a bit lonely, so I added a girl raccoon. I gave her a bow and a dress (even thought the dress is not visible). My picture was cute, but it was boring, so I spiced it up with trees, butterflies, clouds, and a sun. Of course our postcards needed some words on it, so we  brainstormed what we wanted ours to say. We got to first write out our phrase on a piece of paper (I chose "Have a Sweet Summer" to go along with the sweet lemonade theme), next we scanned it into the computer, edited it a bit by adjusting the color and things like that, and placed it onto our image. Because the postcard is going to be printed off like an actual postcard, we had to include the back side. The format was already available in the server files, so all we had to do was add a little creativity to it. I wanted to keep it sweet and simple, so I just added a little pink oval along with a lemonade pitcher and a lemon.

This project is the first that was ever uploaded to our personal Behance accounts. Behance is a platform for people to share their artistic creations. It is a very slick and clear website that is also very professional. To upload our raccoon projects we made a long art board on Illustrator and laid out our pictures. I added a nice color theme to mine to make it more attractive. This is what is posted to Behance. I like Behance because it allows anyone to easily explore new ideas and inspires creativity. Find me on Behance here.

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