Hexadecimal Color
Hexadecimal color coding is a way to display color in HTML. It is represented by #RRGGBB; the R representing red, the G representing green, and the B representing blue. Hexadecimal has a base of 16 digits, which range from 0-9 and A-F. The letters are higher than the numbers, so F is like a 16. The higher the number/ letter, the lighter the color will appear and vice versa.In addition to creating the hexadecimal page, we made a font page as well. We first learned the eight core web fonts. Some of which are serif fonts which means they have little 'lines' or feet at the end of them, while some are sanserif which means they do not. The serif fonts include:
- Times New Roman
- Georgia
- Courier
The sanserif fonts include:
- Arial
- Verdana
- Trebuchet
- Comic Sans, which is a very controversial font. Many people hate it because it is commonly misused, disproportionate, and is overused.
After being educated on these fonts, we used created a webpage for it. We included the eight core web fonts by doing the same thing as creating the color page instead with fonts. We created a div style and set the font family to whatever the font was. We then typed: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. We typed this to display the letters of the alphabet because this simple sentence includes all of the letters in the alphabet.
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